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65 Plus VIDEOS! | 1,200 Custom Pictures | Coloring Pages Galore Digital Quizzers and Games | Printable P.O.P. - “Parsha on the Page”
“The Parsha Post” Newspaper - A Ton of Laughs
Fantastic Audio With Amazing SFX | Torah Insights and a Lot More!
Your Shazak books and videos are a big hit in our house. Only problem is that we can't seem to get the kids to stop reading and watching them! They won't even come to the table to eat dessert! Any suggestions? (Shazak response: Try my wife’s delicious dessert recipe. There’s a remote possibility it'll work. No guarantee, though.)
Mr. and Mrs. Sugar
Tsfat, Israel

Shalom. The name is Shlomo son of Yitzchak.. I am so, so... how you say in English? EXCITED... that Shazak is using my Rashi explanation on the Chumash. Well, good luck with your learning Torah! BTW: What's Shazak?
World Famous French Torah Expert
Kudos to the entire Shazak team! It’s clear to me that you have invested hundreds, rather, thousands of hours into researching and simplifying the message from the weekly Parsha. Congratulations for streamlining the various storylines of the Parsha into bite-size, understandable pieces. Go Shazak! BTW: What does Shazak mean?
Mr. Zohar Harari
Chicago, IL

Out of Egypt is a tale of a little boy, my boy, who was destined to take out our nation OUT OF EGYPT! I get sooooo emotional every time I read how I almost lost my beloved Moshe in the Nile River. Thank you HaShem!
Proud Mother
Our kids are constantly asking to watch Shazak! While we try to limit tablet time and apps as much as possible, I am thrilled that the app they request more than any other is the Torah-based Shazak! If the Torah is meant to be sweet, Shazak tapped into the secret recipe!
Mr. and Mrs. Sheinberger

Queen of Persia is absolutely AMAZING! FANTABULOUS! Heard that there is a Queen of Persia video out there and I am in it!!! Did you hear? I can’t wait to see it! BTW: What’s a video?
Abdullah Hackachinak
Persian Reporterrce
Our son didn't want to go to school because of the Queen of Persia. He just wants to stay home, read the book and watch the cartoon. Thanks Shazak… He's learning so much!
Mr and Mrs. Levy
Brooklyn, NY
Our students have never had so much fun learning Parsha! As soon as I turn on Shazak, the room goes quiet, and I know that we are in for a super learning experience, peppered by lots of laughs.
Rabbi Avrohom Wagshul
Hillel Hebrew Academy, Beverly Hills, CA
I love Shazak. My bwodew loves Shazak. My sistew loves Shazak. Evewyone loves Shazak.
Shragi Smith, Shazak Fan (three years old)
North Miami Beach, FL
Our Sunday school kids adore Shazak and all it has to offer. My own children are absolutely addicted to the Queen of Persia book and DVD. Now they know the entire Megillah by heart with all the Midrashim that you skillfully weave into the Purim story.
Rabbi Yehuda Pink
Solihull & District Hebrew Congregation

Don’t believe a word of Shazak’s OUT OF EGYPT book! It’s all made up, I just wanted to give the Jews an opportunity to make an honest living, and they dared to complain about my kindness to their HaShem. What a heartache! Call a doctor now! You hear me?!
Amazing King of the Mighty Egypt
The New Shazak Parsha Videos are absolutely amazing!! Our kids won't stop watching it and it continuously cracks me up! Thanks for a tremendous job well done!!
Rabbi Dovie and Mrs. Chaya Shapiro
Flagstaff, AZ
Our kids pour over the high, quality Shazak colored pages together calling out the names of the characters. They are just soaking it all up. Truth be told, I don’t know who enjoys it more… us or the kids?!
Mr. and Mrs. Simcha Wait
Chicago, IL

Those wishing to learn how to recreate the magic tricks described in Out of Egypt are hereby forewarned: We take no responsibility for any snake bites, leprosy, frog infestations, or lost sticks. We repeat: Do not try this at home!
The Royal Magicians
Wizards, Inc. of Egypt
I would like to commend you on the fantastic Shazak series. It’s an amazing tool for our teachers in Torah Academy. At home, my own children are enthralled with the book. They love the cartoons, corny jokes and detailed pictures. It really brings the story to life. Thank you for creating a Judaic resource that truly enhances a child's learning experience!
Mrs. Malkie Rivkin
Judaic Coordinator, Torah Academy, Metairie, LA
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A Taste of Shazak!
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